Philips PE-1514 Power Supply
Philips PE-1514 Power Supply
Nice 3 channel power suppy from the 1970s. Extremly well built.
It offers 2x 20 volts with 0.8A and 1x 7 volts with 3A. Per channel there is one meter that can display either voltage or current.
The three channels are completely independent from each other and can be combined in any possible way. By connecting e.g. the plus pole from one of the 15 volts channel to the negative pole from the other 15 volts channel, you get a -15V/+15V combination, well suited for OpAmp experiments.
Simple user interface:
A look inside the device
Power transistors BDY20 for the 15 volt channels. The other 3 Power transistors
BDY20 for the
7 volts channel are located close to the transformer with a large heatsink.
The 7 volts channel uses multiple transistors and diodes in parallel where
needed to fullfill the higher current requirement.
In following image, the three independent channels can be seen, all together
on a single PCB. Each channel uses a single IC TCA220 (specialized OpAmp)
and a set of transistors.
The device had no power light. I need this, because otherwise I usually forget to switch it off, and it will run for days. This happens all the time with devices that give no good visual feedback that it is switched on/off. So I’ve added a small green LED that is powered from the 7 volts channel.