Xenyx QX1002USB power connector replacement

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Xenyx QX1002USB power connector replacement

The original power connector+cable combination is poor. It can happen that it unplugs itself.

In Internet, you can find videos etc. that help to replace the connector with a better one.

I did this and added some images of the process below.

Xenyx QX1002USB mixer:

After removing all knobs, some screws, the PCB can be removed from the housing:

Bottom side with many small chips.

The poor connector that has to be desoldered:

Connector desoldered, replaced with three cables that are connected to the new plug:

The new connector, also 3 pins, which allows to screw the male onto the female part, this given a much more stable connection:

Outside view of new connector. The existing old hole for connector can be reused as it is. Only the original ring made from plastics needs to be removed.

After the replacement, the issue is 100% solved.