
PDP11 Assembler

PDP11 Assembler This text describes how to assemble PDP11 files on Linux. MACRO-11 assembler, linker, disassembler for Linux There are several ways to create object binaries for PDP11 on Linux. I have tested these tools that form a nice tool set for handling PDP11 assembler files on Linux: Macro-11 Assembler, see (written in C) Macro-11 Linker, see (Written in C++) PDP-11 Disassembler, see (Written in C) All tools did compile without any options by just executing make on them.

PDP11 bare metal coding

Coding for PDP11 machines without any target operating system (bare metal). Gnu GCC does the job. Github location There is useful code on Github, see here: Toolchain install # Download packages curl >binutils-2.34.tar.gz curl >gcc-9.3.0.tar.gz # Extract packages tar xvf gcc-9.3.0.tar.gz tar xvf binutils-2.34.tar.gz # Download/install prerequisites for compiler cd gcc-9.3.0/ ./contrib/download_prerequisites # Create build dirs cd .. mkdir binutils-build mkdir gcc-build # Build binutils cd binutils-build/ .

PDP11 Coding - with SIMH, and some Linux tools

If you want to write code for a PDP11 CPU or PDP11 machine, you need some environment to do so. I have only parts of a PDP11 machine and cannot simply use this to write code. So I tried several ways: Using SIMH emulator to emulate a PDP11 machine, boot up some PDP11 Operating System (RT11) and use the available tools from that OS Using native Linux executables that allow for assemble and link valid PDP11 executables Using Gnu GCC toolchain for bare metal programming The SIMH emulator way is described in this document further below.

Using gnuplot, Zener diode behaviour

gnuplot is a nice tool for plotting data. Start gnuplot to enter plot commands. I tried this tool when analyzing a strange behaviour of a Zener diode. In the end it turned out that there was no strange behaviour. Data file. Values separated with whitespaces: Current [mA] Vin Vzener 0.100 2.420 2.396 0.200 2.710 2.652 0.300 2.894 2.862 0.400 3.038 2.911 0.500 3.158 2.997 0.600 3.260 3.068 0.700 3.359 3.130 0.

OpenSuse Leap misc installation hints

Some tweaks to make OpenSuse work as expected. This was done with version 15.4 but usually these topics are to be done for every new version. I list them here to not forget how to fix the issues. Make dmesg work dmesg does not work for non-root users, it needs a tweak to do this. sysctl -w kernel.dmesg_restrict=0 bash -c 'echo "kernel.dmesg_restrict = 0" >> /etc/sysctl.d/10-dmesg-non-root.conf' See Make external soundbox work via bluetooth This is another ugly story.

Einbindung MathJax in hugo

See or here : Add these line <script src=""></script> <script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script> To the layout file of your hugo template. I use theme mainroad, and added the lines in themes/mainroad/layouts/_default/baseof.html, in head-section of html. Tests $$f_{res} = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{LC}}$$ This shows as Mathjax \(a \ne b\), but this doesn’t (a \ne b) Likewise, this shows as Mathjax \[a \ne b\] but this doesn’t: [a \ne b] $\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}$

pdptools - accessing a PDP machine via serial line

To play with my PDP11, I developed some tools to communicate with the PDP. They allow to communicate via serial line and to upload code to the PDP. all2deposit - creates a SIMH deposit file from a Paper Tape Format file or (not yet implemented) a MACRO11 LST file pdpcom - allows to upload deposit file content to a serial attached PDP11, also allows to access ODT (lika a common terminal connection also does) arthur-gill-examples - some nice examples examples - some simple examples Screencast demo session Small video clip where I list some memory content, load an object file, show that is has been loaded to memory and execute it (this simple object file waits for a single char and prints it to console):

Kommunikation via GPIB mit dem AVR

Read this Article in english Im Folgenden sind meine Experimente zum Thema Nutzung des GPIB-Busses mit AVR Mikrocontrollern beschrieben. Hinweis: Beschrieben ist -wie immer auf meinen Seiten- ein Versuchsaufbau im Experimentallabor. Es handelt sich keinesfalls um produktiv nutzbare Hard- oder Software. Der Versuchsaufbau kann allerhöchstens Basis für eigene Versuche dienen. Ich schreibe dies, weil GPIB-fähige Geräte typischerweise sehr teuer in der Anschaffung sind. Man kann sich beim Experimentieren durchaus den GPIB-Anschluss kaputt machen, daher diese ausdrückliche Warnung.

SoftTek - Eclipse-based control and visualization for measurement equipment

Note: this is work in progress. The software described is in development and not finished. Note 2: This project was abandoned in the past; source code is still available here: SoftTek is an Eclipse based application that is able to communicate via GPIB with some (vintage) measurement equipment of the Company Tektronix for control of the device and for visualization of measurement data. Supported devices The following devices are supported:

Von mir genutzte Linux Anwendungen/Software

Die Zahl der Freeware- oder Open Source Tools für Linux ist riesengroß. Um sich für ein bestimmtes Tool zu entscheiden, muss man oft lange Tests lesen oder viel probieren. Diese Arbeit will ich etwas erleichtern. Dazu liste ich von mir genutzte und gute Tools hier auf. Nicht dass es sehr viele sind. Da ich aber komplett auf Linux umgestiegen bin, müssen die Tools gewisse Qualitätsanforderungen erfüllen. Geniale Software In dieser Rubrik führe ich Software, die quasi Wunder wirkt: